American Hair Loss Counsil
In a continued effort to give you the best quality in hair, education and the latest technology for hair loss solutions, we are now a...

Strandlight Highlights
Strandlight highlights are the newest color craze! Strandlights are micro highlights primarily placed around the hairline but can also be...

Hand Tied Weft Hair Extensions
Hand tied weft hair extensions are a series of beads strung across the head and then hand tied weft hair extensions are sewn into the...

Kacey Welch Method With Hand Tied Wefts
This post is a long time coming, but I have been extremely busy. I was fortunate enough to train with the Uber talented Kacey Welch on...

Light Blond With No Warmth
I had the honor of working on this beauty who flew over 1000 miles to have me correct her hair color and add hair extensions. She is...

White Blond With No Brass
My client wanted to achieve a beautiful, white blond color, but her hair can't handle being lifted that light. She is naturally a medium...

Natural Make Up
I am so happy to see the days of the thick, caked on make up looks are on their way out. You know the looks you’ve been seeing on...

Natural Beaded Row Hair Extensions
What is Natural Beaded Rows Hair Extension? Find out the history, about the inventor and how to maintain this type of hair extension.

White, Bright and Ready for Summer
The perfect blond is very hard to find and once you do, don’t let your colorist go. This summer is nothing but the blond and when I say...

Olaplex VS Protein
What does Olaplex do and is it the same thing as a protein treatment? This was the first question I tried to figure out once Olaplex was...